An adventure set in the lofty heights (and dangerous depths)of Hindu thought. Insider tips? Relax, dissolve your preconcieved notions & get chanting.And by the way, dont believe all that you hear! A rudimentary knowledge of Sanskrit, Tamil and a fleeting accquaintance with the puranas and other such texts might come in handy. Wisdom takes courage.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Blessed Thirumular - Mantra 89.
After the long pause, we begin with the Thirumandiram from where we left off. This is the 89th mantra of the first part of the Thirumandiram and here the sage reveals more about the nature of the supreme shiva.
பெற்றமும் மானும் மழுவும் பிரிவற்ற
தற்பரன் கற்பனை யாகும் சராசரத்து
அற்றமும் நல்கி அடியேன் சிரத்தினில்
நற்பத முமளித் தானெங்கள் நந்தியே. 17.5.89.
Lord Blessed Tirumular
Nandi, by bull, deer and axe ever attended,
Nandi, my Lord, the Cause without Cause,
Creation's limit in His Thought conceived to me revealed,
And on my lowly head He planted His Holy Feet. 17.5.89.
Com - Nandi, by bull, deer and axe ever attended Siva has the bull (nandhi), deer and the mazhu ( a type of an axe) and is ever served by these, Nandi, my Lord, the Cause without Cause, in this world that is as illusory as thought, my guru and Lord Nandi who is the causeless cause for the appearance of the universe in the nature of a mirage, Creation's limit in His Thought conceived to me revealed, Creation's limit in His Thought conceived to me revealed, removing fear He revealed Himself. And on my lowly head He planted His Holy Feet Dissolving all impurities He graced me by planting His holy feet on my head.
* The bull here represents that Siva is truthful and in the nature of Dharma, the deer represents His compassionate nature, the axe (mazhu) symbolises His courage and valour. The term (chara charam – in the tamil original) creation/ universe here represents all that is and is not (moving and fixed, i.e. sentient and insentient beings). Through the above mantra the sage reveals that the lord revealed His true form (to Thirumoolar) by removing (dissolving) the illusory nature of this world appearance by firmly establishing His feet (granting the grace) and revealing the ‘true’ nature of the self.
Las Alpujarras - Paradise regained.
Some of the dead people with hats on!
Anyway, I digress from the matter at hand. As I was just saying, I have had the best week in a long long time in the glorious Alpujarras. Living the life in a rustic cortijo (farm house) complete with crumbling white washed walls, at the end of a small track on the heights of one of the many many mountains that dot the landscape here. The cortijo set in a finca (land) cultivated with groves of olive, almonds and oranges - the uncultivated and wild red poppies swaying in the gentle breeze like miniature Soviet flags - is like a mini paradise in itself. The dawn chorus of the birds extends far beyond dawn and continues till siesta time! The ochres and deep reds of the exposed earth all around blend beautifully with the olives and greens of the foliage to provide a perfectly composed and aesthetically pleasing colour palette. The sheer heights and deep drops to the valleys nestled below add the required dramatic effect. The almost 360 degree panoramic views from almost everywhere (from the high mountains one can have uninterrupted views stretching as far as Morocco) in the mountains is exhilarating and liberating to the soul, tethered as it was by years of the conditioning from limited views boxed in by boundaries of concrete. Small, quaint mountain villages, built on ledges commanding stunning views hug the steep gradient. The plastered walls with a uniform white washed finish enhance the glare of the sharp and clear sunshine. With their tiny Hobbit house like entrances, these village houses are decorated with flowers of bright hue spilling out of the hanging flower pots. The ever present 'se vende' (for sale) sign on a lot of these properties is perhaps the sign of the economy of today, spilling its toxic debt tentacles into even Paradise. But to me, they offer a sign of hope - of hope that maybe it will be possible to buy a small cortijo somewhere in the heights of paradise, with its own olive and orange grove!
Never has anywhere appealed to me as much as the land in the Alpujarras. The constant and plentiful sunshine (it was around 30 degrees one day, and its only April), an hours drive up to the ski slopes if you felt like snow and half an hours drive down if you felt like soaking up the sun in the beaches of the Costa tropical! The prospect of big breakfasts sitting out in the morning sunshine, the endless coffees (coffee is so cheap there), fresh oranges straight from the tree, the slow pace of life that gives one plenty of time to focus on the more important aspects of 'being', and a long list of other things make this the perfect idyll. I will move there in a flash (just have to work out a way to convince my wife that picking olives in the season is a good enough job to sustain the family!) if there is a way. All I need now is a rich donor (they are probably scarce in these testing times) who will donate generously for the cortijo and the land around. Perhaps I could beg the local council there to give me a small piece of land to set up my camp?