Sri gurubhyo namaha.
Siddhar Thirumoolar composed the Thirumandiram (a treatise of extraordinary brilliance) which contains 3000 verses (mantras). It is said that the siddhar composed one mantra after each year of intense meditation. That is, he went into deep undisturbed meditation and the condensed wisdom and perception of that years meditation and contemplation was given by him as a mantra - 3000 years, it took him to compose the entire Thirumandiram. It is a 'must' read for any one on the Saiva path (Siva worshippers) and is considered as one of the best works of the Saiva sect. However, Thirumoolar was a great devotee of the Devi as well, he understood only too well the equal essence of Siva and Shakti. He also shows first hand knowledge of many yogic practices and comes across as an authority par supreme when discussing the chakras and their position, power, etc. He is a direct disciple of Nandhinatha (who Himself is Siva) and belongs to the Natha sampradaya (sect).
Some of you have read the first couple of hundred of the mantras commented by me in english and others have not. So, I am including a couple of his mantras from the very first part of the Thirumandiram - a section titled ''In praise of God'', a 'Payiram' or Proem. The english translation of the actual verse is done by someone else. I have provided the english commentary.
* mantra 14 : '' Transcends All''
Transcended He Brahma on the lotus-seat,Transcended Mayan, the ocean-hued,Transcended He, Isan, who transcends all,Transcended He space infinite, witnessing all.
Com  Transcended He Brahma on the lotus-seat Siva, He stands above (transcended) the Swadhisthana lotus (sacral chakra), which is the seat of the creative principle (Brahma). Transcended Mayan, the ocean-hued He stands above the Manipura lotus (solar plexus chakra) which is the seat of the preservative principle (Vishnu, the ocean hued Lord of Maya) Transcended He, Isan He stands above even the Anahata lotus (heart chakra) which is the seat of the dissolution principle (Rudra) . who transcends all He has transcended even the Vishudhi lotus (throat chakra) the seat of Maheshwara and the Ajnya lotus (third eye chakra) the seat of Sadashiva. Transcended He space infinite, witnessing all And transcending all, He stands in the Sahasrara lotus (crown chakra), the highest seat, being a witness to all (i.e. As pure consciousness, being the observer).
* The highest Siva resides in the Sahasrara as pure consciousness, being the silent witness, while the 5 Beings (Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Maheshwara and Sadashiva) have been given the authority to perform the 5 functions (viz. creation, preservation, destruction, veiling and revealing) and have been stationed at their respectivecenterss.
* mantra 15 : '' Blossoms as All''
Into Brahma did He expand, into Hara did He,And into the soul of the body He pervadesAs the Effulgence Divine, the Dharmic law limitless,The Eternal and the Everlasting.
Com  Into Brahma did He expand Siva creates the world, by being manifest as Brahma into Hara did He He destroys the world, by His manifestation as Hara or Rudra, And into the soul of the body while it is again He, who preserves (protects and transforms) the body, He pervades while also simultaneously transcending all the above mentioned manifestations, He is all pervading. As the Effulgence Divine He is Light (divine light). the Dharmic law limitless He is the limitless, unbiased and eternal, universal natural law (Dharma), awarding the just fruit for efforts. The Eternal and the Everlasting And it is only He who is eternal and everlasting.
* Siva is the supporter of the continued existence of the worlds, by being the creator, preserver and the destroyer of infinite world systems. He oversees the continuity of the world, by being the Dharma or Universal natural law, which enables the awarding of the right fruit (effect) to the right effort (cause).
Through the above two mantras the author makes it wonderfully clear that Siva is the Lord of Lords. At the same time the verses also convey thseparatete meaning where by the seat (chakra) of the different manifestations of Siva for the accomplishment of the five different actions is made explicit. The fact that Siva pervades everything and simultaneously transcends everything is also brought to attention. A very crucial point to contemplate. This highlights the bhava (nature) of Siva which is there and not there simultaneously!
Amiable post and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you seeking your information.
alakh niranjan !
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