Sri gurubhyo namaha.
In case the regular readers are wondering about why I have suddenly jumped to the 70th mantra of the Thirumandiram, it is not because the mantras in between will be skipped! This post with the commantary of the 70th mantra is in response to a mail from a reader as the version in her(or is it his?) possession does not have the first two lines of the verse. Even though the mantra has been posted here now, we will once again come to this mantra when slowly following along in the series of the Thirumandiram posts.
நால்வரும் நாலு திசைக்கொன்று நாதர்கள்
நால்வரும் நானா விதப்பொருள் கைக்கொண்டு
நால்வரும் யான்பெற்ற தெல்லாம் பெறுகென
நால்வரும் தேவராய் நாதர் ஆனார்களே. 70.
Four Nandis
The Four, each in his corner, as Master ruled,
The Four, each his diverse treasure held,
Each in his turn spoke, "Take all I've;"
And thus, Immortals and Masters became. 70.
Com - The Four, each in his corner, as Master ruled The four gurus namely Sanakar, Sanandhanar, Sanatanar and Sanatkumarar took to each of the four directions (of the earth). The Four, each his diverse treasure held Each of the above named four gurus gathered immensely varied and deep experience of the various tantras and other texts. Each in his turn spoke, "Take all I've;" And the knowledge that they gained through all their respective sadhanas, they freely shared with the people of the world by explaining the esoteric texts and by initiating disciples. And thus, Immortals and Masters became Thus the four, rose to the position of being Gurus of the world. (as a result of their deep wisdom and the compassion they had for the people of the world)

* Through the above mantra the sage explains the method through which the above named four were elevated to being teachers of the world. Note that the importance attached to personal experiences with regard to spiritual knowledge.
A quick note here as we are not following the mantras in order - the above mantra comes in the section detailing the guru parampara of Thirumular and traces the lineage from the Guru Nandi down. The four (Sanakar & c) are the four disciples who are evident in the image of Dhakshinamurthy (the guru of gurus) and are the mind born sons of Brahma. Another interesting (and unique aspect of the siddha masters) point that is evident in the above mantra is the siddha policy of sharing their wisdom for the betterment of humanity. (Yaan petra inbam peruga ivvayagam - let the universe obtain the bliss that I have obtained [through sadhana and intense spiritual practices] ) Like mentioned elsewhere in this blog, the siddha masters possesed extra ordinary social consciousness and never hesitated to use their tapas, magic, consciousness, wisdom etc for the upliftment of the 'common man'. Here the sage conveys that above and beyond the incredibile wisdom and enlightenment possesed by the four (sanakar & c), their compassion and love for mankind is instrumental in them being elevated to the seat of being the teachers of the world.
Thanks much for the Online Upadesam and Tamizh text and commentary. This is as good as the internet gets. If not for you, i would have never known the names of the four Gurus - speaking of which are their identities revealed in the book you have or does it come from some inner source??
because then i'm left to wonder why my copy doesn't contain such insights, though by the same author Dr. B Natarajan
(btw i'm definitely a "her", i asked my mom make sure)
Sri gurubhyo namaha
You are most welcome.The names of the four Gurus are most definitely mentioned in the book (by which I mean commentaries)and not the actual text.Much like the sutras,upanishads etc Thirumandiram and other texts of the siddars are often poetry/verse with a multitude of meanings and suggestions rather than the hard and acute leanings of prose. This on the one hand makes it extremely beautiful,emotional and in a word wonderful:on the other hand, it expects a lot of intution,meditation and comprehensive perception on the part of the reader. And if you add to that the confusion generated by the fact that at times (which is to read often)many meanings are simultaneously true, things get going!Moreover, we (by that I mean us half baked aspirants)often depend on commentaries/discources/readings by 'others'as our own levels of perception etc are not upto scratch. And then, like with most things the essence is lost as its 'someone else's' version in the first place and all things spiritual should be 'personal experience'.
Anyway, before I wander too far from the topic at hand - yes, the text also (refer few of the previous mantras and the few following)makes clear that the four gurus are sanaka &c. But from other texts and puranic stories etc identifying these identities becomes easier!
(what with the internet making everything 'anonymous', one can never be sure!So long as you have checked with your mom to make sure...and me, I believe that you are whoever you want to be!)
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