In this the seventy fifth mantra the sage declares his experiences in Kundalini yoga and through the choice of words also declares his worship of the supreme Shakti. In this mantra and from others elsewhere in the book, we can identify traces of the sage's devotion to Devi and his knowledge and practice of Shakta advaita (non dual philosophy from the Shakta angle) and Srividya. However, in this mantra the author continues from the last mantra to discuss the secrets of Kundalini yoga in depth. He makes clear that the state of undivided oneness that is termed Samadhi is acchieved through the repeated process of Kundalini yoga where the latent kundalini shakti is systematically awakened, forced through the central naadi (energy channel) called sushumna, upward until it reaches the sahasrara where it merges with the state of being that is Siva. This union of energies (in both its kinetic and potential aspects) is at the very heart of both the Srividya tradition and of Kundalini yoga.
An interesting point to note here is that the tamil siddars embraced kundalini yoga and pranayama with a great zeal as both these processes are concrete and can (if pursued correctly and repeatedly) produce kayakalpa (strengthening and making this physical body immortal) and also non dual samadhi consciousness.
இருந்தஅக் காரணம் கேள்இந் திரனே
பொருந்திய செல்வப் புவனா பதியாம்
அருந்தவச் செல்வியைச் சேவித்து அடியேன்
பரிந்துடன் வந்தனன் பத்தியி னாலே. 3.5.75.
Lost In Sakti Devotion
Hear O! Indra, what urged me thus?
She the Holy One, Lady of the Universe, rich and vast
In devotion deep and true, Her I adored
And with ardour unceasing, here I pursued. 3.5.75.
Com – Hear O! Indra, what urged me thus? O Indra, listen attentively to the reason why I remained so, merged in the seven chakras. She the Holy One, Lady of the Universe, rich and vast It is to attain the realisation of the supreme Parashakti, who is the Lady (supreme ruler) of the seven worlds (chakras) who is fit to be adored and worshiped through the best of penances. In devotion deep and true, Her I adored With the highest Bhakti (devotion) I approached Her there in the Chidaakasha (ether region in the top of the head) And with ardour unceasing, here I pursued and after attaining Her through Bhakti, I returned back down filled with Her grace.
* The Indra who the author speaks to here is the name of one of his disciples and is not a reference to Indra the king of Gods. Here the author explains Kundalini yoga – When the consciousness of the individual is directed towards Siva who is in the Akaashaa of the head, the Kundalini, which until then is lying dormant coiled in the Muladhara, is awakened. The awakened Kundalini starts to ascend towards the Sahasrara (in the top of the head) where it unites with Siva, resulting in the state of Samadhi. Those who attain to the state of Samadhi unite with the supreme consciousness above and then return back (to a ‘normal’ state) after being ‘separated’ from the state of oneness with the supreme consciousness. This is what the author refers to when he states that he returned below after attaining Parashakti through Bhakti, filled with Her grace. Through the above mantra the author makes clear his reason for being aware of and merged in the seven chakras – for the upward ascension of the Kundalini so that he might united with the supreme consciousness through the resulting Samadhi state.
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