srigurubhyO namahA |
In the next mantrA, the sage introduces the classic metaphor of the body being an earthen / clay drum to highlight the fact that our lives are momentary.
In the next mantrA, the sage introduces the classic metaphor of the body being an earthen / clay drum to highlight the fact that our lives are momentary.
மத்தளி ஒன்றுள தாளம் இரண்டுள
அத்துள்ளே வாழும் அரசனும் அங்குளன்
அத்துள்ளெ வாழும் அரசன் புறப்பட்டால்
மத்தளி மண்ணாய் மயங்கிய வாறே. I.5.3.189
அத்துள்ளே வாழும் அரசனும் அங்குளன்
அத்துள்ளெ வாழும் அரசன் புறப்பட்டால்
மத்தளி மண்ணாய் மயங்கிய வாறே. I.5.3.189
One this
body-drum, two the rhythms keeping time,
Five the masters who, inside, make display;
But when the great king, indwelling, departed,
The drum lay shattered, a heap of inert clay. I.5.3.189
But when the great king, indwelling, departed,
The drum lay shattered, a heap of inert clay. I.5.3.189
Com - One this body-drum, There is one body made of mud
(i.e. elemental) two the rhythms keeping
time, and within it there are the two breaths , inhalation and exhalation,
that mark the rhythm of life. Five the
masters who, inside, make display; and inside such a body (born of mud)
there dwells the king and master – the
jIva or soul. But when the great
king, indwelling, departed, and when at the end of life, the indwelling jIva departs this body the drum lay shattered, a heap of inert
clay. This body temple becomes nothing more than the mud it was fashioned
term ‘மத்தளி ‘refers to this body that
arises from mud – i.e. it is a body that arises out of inert matter due to the
operation of maya. The term ‘மண்ணாய் மயங்கிய ‘ means that the body so born out of inert
matter changes eventually into the same inert matter again (when the principle
of life deserts this body). Note the
Biblical sayings ‘ashes to ashes, dust to dust’; ‘dust thou art to dust thou
returnest’ here which speak of the same truth. From the above verse it becomes
clear that this physical body arises out of inert matter and will again become
merged into the same inert matter.
thirucchitrambalam ||
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