The sixty third mantra lists the names of the nine types of Aagamas taking the subject of the previous mantra further.
பெற்றநல் ஆகமங் காரணம் காமிகம்
உற்றநல் வீரம் உயர்சிந்தியம் வாதுளம்
மற்றவ் வியாமளம் ஆகும்கா லோத்தரந்
துற்றநற் சுப்பிரம் சொல்லு மகுடமே. 7.63
Nine Agamas
The Agamas so received are Karanam, Kamigam,
The Veeram good, the Sindam high and Vadulam,
Vyamalam the other, and Kalottaram,
The Subram pure and Makutam to crown. 7.63
Com – The Agamas so received are The Agamas that have been received through the above mentioned (see previous mantra) lineage are namely Karanam, Kamigam,The Veeram good, the Sindam high Karanam, Kamigam, the good Veeram, the exalted Sindiam and Vadulam, Vyamalam the other, and Kalottaram, and Vadhulam, the tantric text Yamalam and the beneficial Kalottaram, The Subram pure and Makutam to crown the pure Subram and Makutam.
* The most important Agamas are twenty eight in number. Of these twenty eight, the essence of the nine Agamas that are mentioned here, forms the core (and entirety) of Thirumandiram. These nine Agamas are classified as follows – Karanam, Kamigam, Sindiam and Subram are known as Sivabedham. Veeram, Vadhulam, Kalottaram and Makutam are known as Rudrabedham. Finally, Yamalam is known as the Tantra Sastram. In this mantra the nine main Agamas that were received by the great guru Nandi (and since then, others of the lineage) are named and classified.
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