Wednesday, July 02, 2008

In meekness and prayer - mantra 73

Sri gurubhyo namaha.

This is the start of the next section in the Thirumandiram titled ' திருமூலர் வரலாறு' or 'The history of Thirumular' and it heralds the 'start' of the aagamaa otherwise called Thirumandiram. In the previous four sections the sage dealt with the context and after setting the scene, he now begins to journey deeper.

Please note that in this mantra, the two major divisions of the paths (ie bhakti and jnyana) and the two major divisions of the energy channels (ie ida&pingala, and the sushumna) are spoken of. If the commentary attached is not sufficient in its depth to explain the metaphors thoroughly, I am totally open to teasing it out in the comments box by way of Q&A's. Feel free to drop a line with your comments/questions if any.

நந்தி திருவடி நான்தலை மேற்கொண்டு
புந்தியின் உள்ளே புகப்பெய்து போற்றிசெய்
தந்தி மதிபுனை அரனடி நாள்தொறும்
சிந்தைசெய் தாகமம் செப்பலுற் றேனே. 1.5.73.
In Meekness And Prayer
High on my bowed head Nandi's sacred Feet I bore,
Intoning loud His Name in my heart's deepest core,
Daily musing on Hara wearing high the crescent moon,
Thus I ventured the Agamas to compose. 1.5.73

ComHigh on my bowed head Nandi's sacred Feet I bore I raise to the top of my head, the two holy feet of my Guru Nandi and place them there Intoning loud His Name in my heart's deepest core and keeping Him firmly fixed in my consciousness, I worship Him. Daily musing on Hara wearing high the crescent moon And meditating daily on the holy feet of Siva, at the junction where the three roads meet, who wears the crescent moon on His matted locks, Thus I ventured the Agamas to compose I begin to narrate (compose) this Agama called Thirumandiram.

* The holy feet of the Guru and the Holy feet of Siva refer to the sun and the moon (i.e. the Ida and the Pingala nadis which are the lunar and the solar channels). The worship of Siva is divisible into two kinds, namely the Bhakti path and the Jnyana path. The Bhakti path relates to the worship of Siva who is of form. In this method the respective form (manifest) is visualised and meditated on in the Anahata Lotus (heart chakra).The Jnyana path relates to the worship of Siva as Light without any form. In this method, with the grace of Siva and the through the path shown by the guru, the awakening of the third eye (wisdom) is achieved. The reference to meditation on Siva’s holy feet at the place where the three roads meet refers to the third eye where the three channels (Ida, Pingala and Sushumna) meet. To illustrate the fact that the worship of Isaana (in the form of light) happens at the place above the third eye (i.e. the top of the head), the author uses the words high on my head Nandi’s sacred feet I bore. Note the beautifully rich and clever use of words, which gives different layers of meaning. Through the above mantra the author conveys that he is commencing the narration of Thirumandiram (from here) through the grace of Siva.