Friday, August 02, 2013

Youth is sugarcane, old age is nux vomica - mantrA 180

srigurubhyO namahA |
In this the 180th mantrA, the sage compares youth to sugarcane and old age to the bitter nux vomica. Not only is youth a momentary phase certain to be lost, old age is very unattractive.

விரும்புவர் முன்என்னை மெல்லியன் மாதர்
கரும்பு தகர்த்துக் கடைக்கொண்ட நீர்போல்
அரும்பொத்த மென்முலை ஆயிழை யார்க்கும்
கரும்பொத்துக் காஞ்சிரங் காயுமொத் தேனே. I.4. 4.180

Time was when fond damsels on him their love bestowed;
Like cane's sugary juice, slow sucked, was he to them,
The idol of wenches with budding breasts and jewelled shapes;
But now the sweetest cane has bitter nux vomica become. I.4.4.180
Com - fond damsels  many beautiful women Like cane's sugary juice, slow sucked, was he to them,  (used to) love me and delight in my company, finding pleasure that was so sweet and addictive on him their love bestowed; Time was when and spent long hours lavishing their love and the ecstasies of their youthful bodies in the past (when I was youthful and attractive).  of wenches with budding breasts and jewelled shapes; To those attractive women with breasts so tender that resemble the budding lotus blossom, dressed in wonderful silks and all finery The idol I was (in my youth) the hero and the centre of all their attention. But now the sweetest cane has bitter nux vomica become. And though they enjoyed me like sugarcane (when I was possessed of youth), now that I am old, they are disgusted by me and have deserted me.

*Highlighting the transience of youth, the sage uses a common and everyday example to point out another fact. Not only is it true that one’s youth is not permanent but it also true that old age (and its debilitation's and the change that comes over the body with age) is unattractive. The sweet sugar cane is compared to kAnjirankAi or nux vomica which is exceptionally bitter and causes one to retch and vomit when consumed. That is to say, what was so attractive and delightful in youth becomes disgusting and unappealing when that youthfulness is lost.

thirucchitrambalam ||



Anonymous said...

would you let me differ Sir?

Is not old age so beautiful exactly like a baby age too, when you know your speed, your limits, and you dont have a false set of aspirations, for at this age, everything is defined without any doubt and all that you are doing at this age is enjoying your ambiance and biding your time...

just thought so..


Anonymous said...

i was just talking from my window Sir, at an age of 67 plus, everything looks beautiful for me.


mooligai sidhan said...

srigurubhyO namahA|

Dear sir, it is neither the intention of the sage nor of mine to declare downright that old age is bitter. What is being said here is that the young women who appeared to enjoy the delights of the youthful body, are not so keen on one when the body is frail and wrinkled.
''when you know your speed, your limits, and you dont have a false set of aspirations,''
If this is true, then any age whether young or old is a beautiful time!! That is indeed the intention of the sage - to break one's false aspirations and delusions by making clear that youth is momentary.

mooligai sidhan said...

srigurubhyO namahA |

Indeed old age is a boon in its own way, when finally we may be rid of some false ideas through life's lessons over the years. As this section is trying to impress upon the reader the dream like (here one minute and gone the next)nature of youth and the verses must be understood only in that context. The idea that youth is momentary must encourage the aspirant to make haste and prepare himself already for insight and the Grace of the Lord, while the body is still supple and can undergo austerities and penance.